database_builder_for_mysql.sql.txt SQL command to generate the tables in the database Very short program that need to be customized (see Instructions below) The core of the application. Store it in the same directory of
topicmaps.gif Image
add.gif Image
remove.gif Image Save the images and the CSS file in a
xtm.css CSS file directory that can be read by the server.
Before running the CGI ( remember to configure it. This is the CGI:
1 #! d:/Perl/bin/perl.exe 2 # By Luca Mugnaini 3 # 4 # use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); 5 use TM; 6 TM->connect('dbi:mysqlPP:database=topic_maps;host=localhost', '', ''); 7 $TM::image_directory = "/images"; 8 $TM::cgi_name = ""; 9 print TM::cgi->cgi();
The only external module necessary to run this tool is DBI. Find it here:
With this application you have an object oriented interface to store easily topic maps in a relational database. The most simple way to create a new topic is:
use TM; TM->connect('dbi:mysqlPP:database=topic_maps;host=localhost', '', ''); my $topic = TM::topic->new; $topic->save();To read the topic that has ID = 1:
my $topic = TM::topic->new(id => 1); $topic->load();To display the value of the first scope of the first occurrence of certain topic:
print $topic->{'occurrence'}->[0]->{'scope'}->[0]->{'content'};To change the value and save it:
$topic->{'occurrence'}->[0]->{'scope'}->[0]->{'content'} = 'new value'; $topic->save();To display all the attributes of a topic:
use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($topic);To create a topic that is instance of the topic #1 and topic #2:
my $topic = TM::topic->new ( instanceOf => [ TM::instanceOf->new( content => '#1', type => 't' ), TM::instanceOf->new( content => '#2', type => 't' ), ], ); $topic->save();To add a new instance for topic #3
push @{$topic->{instanceOf}}, TM::instanceOf->new( content => '#3', type => 't' ); $topic->save();To remove this last instance (both from the database and from the object):
$topic->{intanceOf}->[2]->remove($topic);To remove the whole topic:
$topic->remove($topic);To output the part of XML related to topics (sorry, I forget to build a method that generate all the XML. For the next version...):