Simple Topic Maps Management


To run Simple Topic Maps Management follow these four steps:
  1. Install Perl, mySql (or other database engine), Apache (or other web server) and DBI module for Perl. You need: DBD-mysqlPP and Algorithm-Diff installed.
  2. Run this SQL script (database_builder_for_mysql.sql.txt) to build a database with this structure. The SQL is for mySql but you can easily change it also for other databases if you need.
  3. Download one of these zip files and save it in the cgi-bin directory and docs directory of your web server:

    These are the files in the ZIP archive:
  4. Configure the CGI (see Instructions section below) and run it on your local server (something similar to http://localhost/cgi-bin/tm/
That's all!


Before running the CGI ( remember to configure it. This is the CGI:

1 #! d:/Perl/bin/perl.exe
2 # By Luca Mugnaini
3 #
4 # use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
5 use TM;
6 TM->connect('dbi:mysqlPP:database=topic_maps;host=localhost', '', '');
7 $TM::image_directory = "/images";
8 $TM::cgi_name = "";
9 print TM::cgi->cgi();