NAVIGATION - Instructions:

Change locale: Click on a node to localize view to the node and its neighbors. Expand node:   Right click on a node and select "Expand Node".
Rearrange graph: Move nodes by dragging them. Collapse node:   Right click on a node and select "Collapse Node". Collapsing a node has the opposite effect of expanding it.
Move graph: Move graph by dragging the background. Hide node:   Right click on a node and select "Hide Node". The largest connected portion of the graph remains visible.
Toggle Controls: Right click on the background and select "Toggle Controls" to hide scrollbars + toolbar. Hide edge:   Right click on an edge and select "Hide Edge". Be careful, detached nodes are not hidden, and will fly away.

NODE - Properties:

yellow: InitialNode green: Topic
blue: Association brown: Occurence (clickable)